The 12 months of 2022

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Last Updated: 
December 21, 2022


Sandlebridge launches the new website for the Royal Regiment of Scotland. Built on Webflow CMS, the site promotes the rich heritage of the Regiment, its serving soldiers and veterans. Following this we work across the board producing a veterans database and marketing services. The first month of the year also saw the refresh of the Boyco B2B website.


Thanks to our friends at Axiom, we are commissioned to provide the rebrand of The Bruntsfield- an Edinburgh townhouse hotel. The site features the newly opened Neighbourhood Kitchen & Bar. The website is completely updated to reflect the changes that the new owners made. We also start working with Active Luton to re-imagine their community websites.


Behind the scenes, we’re working furiously on our new membership management platform - Memba. The platform is being designed to allow trade associations, charities, business groups, clubs and societies a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for their membership website and CRM. March also sees the launch of several medical and healthcare websites, built using Webflow and in collaboration with our friends over at Black Box media.


It’s time to launch the new website for our sister company - Off Canvas. The website focuses on the support services it offers for Joomla and WordPress CMS clients. Meanwhile, we’re busy making updates to Keavil House Hotel website and continuing our work on Memba.


Late spring sees us working on the annual report for Royal Regiment of Scotland. This 200 page+ Journal provides an insightful look back at the last twelve months for each regiments highlights and activity. It keeps us busy for most of the month and all the while we’re supporting our clients with website updates, content marketing and technical SEO. A new Webflow developer - Frank Drolet - joins our team.


We launch a new Webflow website in partnership with Black Box for a London-based team of gynaecologists and update the website for the Wilmslow Tuition Centre to further optimise the site for its intended audience. Towards the end of the month, we implement new marketing initiatives for AMPS Trade Union.


Our membership platform, Memba, is ready for Beta roll-out. The application is feature ready, with ten core areas of functionality, including events, email marketing, messaging, document management, news, forum and task management. Accountancy services firm, 2020, is in contact to discuss their plans for 2020 websites.


As late summer arrives, we design and build an online booking system for Clinical Leaders of Thrombosis to enable their members to book for their annual conference. We somehow find time to add the finishes touches to the Memba marketing site - the site is designed to promote the Memba CRM and websites service to its four core audiences.


Work commences on 2020 websites. The plan is to design six accountancy website themes, together with integrated content and email marketing services. It’s an innovative solution that brings together several cutting edge technologies. We’re also collaborating with Off Canvas client Forest Carbon to design and build out a new ‘carbon club’ portal.


The results are back from Memba live beta testing and further development is scheduled.  We also start working on digital branding strategy for a Swiss-based consultancy and providing a series of marketing workshops for Royal Regiment of Scotland.


As autumn comes to an end we see the conclusion of the 2020 websites project. We move our SEO management services to a new reporting platform to provider richer data sets to clients and also find time for our own marketing, commencing a series of membership marketing blogs for the Memba website.


The last month of the year usually sees a slowdown in activity, but our clients are as busy as ever with content updates and planning out activity for 2023. It’s been a whirlwind of a year and our most enjoyable and productive to date. A big thanks is due to everyone in our team and all of our clients for making the year a huge success.

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