AMPS Trade Union

Membership website for trade union

in a nutshell

The Association of Management Professionals (AMPS), part of Unite the Union, is the UK’s leading union for scientists and the pharmaceutical industry. Members are wide-ranging, including managers and scientists in related UK industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and textile. AMPS approached Sandlebridge in late 2020 to redevelop their membership portal.

Extremely competent, very helpful and extraordinarily patient. Always interested in what we are trying to achieve and how to get the best outcomes for us. Willing to adapt to ensure success.

Marijke Smith - CEO
Membership Portal
AMPS Trade Union
January 2021
Brand design
Database design
Domain Management
Project Management
SEO Consultancy
Technical Support
Website build
Website design

full story


AMPS Trade Union is a national branch of Unite the Union with around a thousand professional members, which it advises on a range of matters and has a focus of scientific and pharmaceutical workplaces.

Problem to be solved

As with many membership organisations, AMPS needed a membership platform that would take care of sign ups and gated content. It was important to be able to share private documents with it's members as well as keep track of subscriptions. AMPS offers two membership plans - part time and full time - and payment for these would need to be handled securely online. The client also required a membership website that would serve both as a recruitment tool to attract new members and a back end portal for administration of its members.


Following a period of consultation and discovery, we developed a bespoke solution using our own Memba CRM product. Memba, which is designed by Sandlebridge, ticked every box for AMPS, including a bespoke public facing front end website as well as a member portal. Using Memba, the team at AMPS were able to configure settings to give just the features they needed, such as custom registration, online payments, blog, gated content and much more. Features that were available in Memba but not required at this moment in time were switched off. This gives great flexibility and the opportunity to scale member services at any point in the future. The full list of features provided can be seen here. The scope of our services included free migration of existing membership data from various pre-existing sources, front end custom design, content population and Mailchimp Integration. We delivered a fully hosted and managed solution with low ongoing maintenance charges and high availability.

Want to know more?

If you have a similar project to AMPS Trade Union please get in touch with Phil Holt for an informal, and no-obligation chat. We love to solving membership management problems by bringing innovative ideas and thinking to the table. If you would like to learn more about Memba CRM please sign up for a free 60 day trial.

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